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<< 7:53 p.m. - Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2002 >>
Tried my hand at making falafels, they smell vaguely fish like. It could have been the excess amount of oil I put into the pan. Anyways, aside from the fishiness they aren't too bad.

School days have begun to mesh together. one day is no different than the other. I hope to change this pattern and make everyday memorable (to a certain degree) Walked up to Hawthorne w/ Greasy Hair. (very rare) we talked about art, drama, and our mantras. I cannot grasp his carelessness, it is so beyond me. Where I am bound by feelings of guilt and heavy conscience, he remains unfettered by such trivial accounts. And yet, by doing almost nothing he gets B�s and C�s. this fact alone drives me crazy. He doesn�t seem to comprehend embarrassment either, �what is it?�, he says. I have concluded he is lying.

Animal Lover wants to read this. I�m not sure about that. Her suspicions about me wanting to exit our group stage left, are true. Although I vehemently told her it was otherwise. Oh well. I do hope she doesn�t read this.