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stayin' home alone on a friday (john mayer)hey that fits really well!
<< 9:40 p.m. - Friday, Nov. 08, 2002 >>
I�m feeling especially cranky. And I would say its based wholly on my mother. She gives me so many mixed messages, I never know what to do. Its really pissing me off.


When finally sit down and read (its so rare these days) she come into my room and talk about me going and doing things with friends, taking the dog for a walk etc. �C�mon Kelsi, get out of the house! Go have fun!� Isn�t it possible to have fun alone reading a book.

Later that week:

I�ll be out doing things with friends and generally ignoring homework. And when I get home she says things like, �Go read a book!�Use your mind! �Just sit down and get your homework done.�

I don�t know what to do. I feel like she�s too involved and yet when she doesn�t care at all, I get scared. Like I have nothing to fall back on.

Just want to be alone now. This last week was so hectic and crazy. I�m trying to sort my emotions out.

I was told today that��I�m given so many chances to go out and do things, and instead I sit in my room and go to chatrooms� Ahhh! I can never do anything right! (chatrooms? What am I? 13?)