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Music In the Key of Euphoria
<< 5:27 p.m. - Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003 >>
My poet friend is returned! Back from this other life I can�t get enough of hearing about. All the right words are here, waiting all along. I haven�t any time to sit and let them flow. �Hey, Euphoria, you�re back.� And I�m feeling ever so patient.

Sat and stared at this table of people I love, and realized I am a part. This has stopped being a thing I thought I was kidding myself about. I thrust myself into all this movement and light and laughter. And loving it. Fruit bowl and orange juice and I�m smiling at the tartness and the ecstasy of friendship.

Have I flown as you said? I think I�m just a little thistle seed floating in the breeze these days. Nothing I can�t accept, embrace, and explore. I need to swim now.

Watch these bonds grow. Holy shit, and we�re all such different people these days. To the one who thinks she has not grown; do not trouble yourself with idle prattle, change comes with such stealth, you won�t see it until the person you were and are aren�t in line anymore. You are already changing. You are already beautiful. These days of uncomfortable cushions and self-loathing will pass and maybe return, but you�ve got to learn to ride that wave. (Must take own advice)

There is a cabin in Netarts that is available for hang out-age during labor day weekend. Quite large and lovely. Costs 150. Anyone willing to join me?