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Waste of Words
<< 10:47 p.m. - Monday, May. 26, 2003 >>
There is so much to get done in such a short period of time. How am I going to do this? Write two essays. Write at least 15 spanish entries. Finish my art book. Go to a book reading. Study for a giant math final. Oh whatever. I�m not going to get stressed. I�m not going to put it off. I�m going to do it now. Just get that coffee in my system and I�ll be up for hours with my wretched stomach keeping me company.

Just feels like a night I don�t want to miss. I like watching the dawn crawl up over the edges of my world and feeling so alive. Prolong this un-melancholy loneliness, because I like spending time with myself. Even though Lisa says it�s unhealthy for someone my age to be so solitary.

I want to be alone before heading into the crashing movement of my peers, seniors edgy at their departure coming so soon. Don�t you like to just be alone with yourself? Have all these thoughts that no one can laugh at, or think petty. Then, when you share it, those dreams are broken by reason. You were living in a dream world all along. You were a fool.