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Just what Megan said
<< 11:09 p.m. - Sunday, Jan. 12, 2003 >>
I�ve been doing the �avoiding homework dance� for so long. Now that semester finals are coming up with my birthday in tow, I�m freaking out. Funny that I told Nose w/o freckles I had given up it panicking and that it doesn�t get me anywhere. I know it doesn�t get me anywhere, but in some convoluted way I continue to do it. It gets so old to keep making the same mistakes, but if I don�t do them, where do I go form there?

In class I laugh and talk until I end up hiding under the table in fear of Mrs. Kelly. I cast homework aside with a wave of my hand. Declare it inconsequential. I just want to say, �Fuck it�. I did that in math last year and ended up with an F. (much freaking out about that) I hate scrambling around trying to hand in things last minute. That sort of thing just doesn�t do it for me.

Missing all those days didn�t help me either. I�ve found myself buried under late assignments that I planned on making perfect. After all, everything I hand in must be my best. (tests excluded) Math Genius said, �Kelsi, you either do it amazing and perfect, or not at all.� While Animal Lover chimed in, �But somehow you can memorize stuff so fast. With a little effort it gets and A. That is so not fair!� (not word for word)

As my dad says, �Waaa fuckin� waaa!� I�ll go with that.